A Message from the Pastor
We extend the hand of love and friendship to all, as we join together in following Jesus day by day! May we be a beacon of God’s love everywhere. God bless you!
Church Announcements
We are ordering poinsettias from Dehns Flowers to adorn the sanctuary at Christmas. Plants come in red, white, or pink and are $14 each. Please see Tara, Nellie, or Tena.
Sunday, Dec. 1st: Advent begins– Worship 11am followed by food and fellowship! We shall celebrate communion on this day as we begin a new church year.
Monday, Dec. 2nd: Pastors Sabbath
Tuesday, Dec. 3rd: 2:00 pm Advent Study: “The Christmas Letters” @ SUMC
Thursday, Dec. 5th: Men’s Life Group 7pm @ SUMC
Dec. 8th: Second Sunday of Advent – Worship 11am
Community Events
TODAY: Christmas Concert 3pm at Old Saratoga Reformed Church
Friday, Dec. 6th: Lighting Ceremony of the Memory Trees
6pm @ Town of Saratoga Building – across from Stewarts.
A reception follows in Schuyler Room.
Saturday, Dec.7th – Quaker Springs UMC – Christmas
Festival 9am to 3pm Come and join us! Finn the horse, and his owner will be there with their new book, wreaths, and many Christmas items for sale, many goodies!!
SCHOOL CONCERTS IN DECEMBER: The high school band & chorus concert is Wednesday, December 11 at 7 PM.
The middle school band and chorus concert is Wednesday December 18 at 7 PM.