Your neighbors at Schuylerville United Methodist Church (SUMC),
simply want you and your family to experience a warm and welcoming community where you will find the Peace, Joy, Hope and Love of Jesus


The Sunday Worship is streaming on Facebook and on YouTube

About SUMC

Our Mission is to make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world, by living out the gospel of Jesus Christ and sharing God’s love with our community. At SUMC, all are welcome to worship. Come as you are and experience a message of faith and hope. Schuylerville UMC is in the Adirondack District and has handicap accessibility. As you browse this site, we hope you find a connection and would like to visit. Come and check us out. We’ve saved you a seat!

SUMC’s Pastor

Pastor Nancy Russell

Pastor Nancy introducing herself…

SUMC Leadership

The SUMC Leadership Team is the governing body of the church and is comprised of lay members and the Pastor. They ensure day-to-day operations and seek to grow faith and connect with the community.

Our Sister Church

Quaker Springs UMC is our sister church, we share a pastor and partner together in many of our ministry endeavors. You can learn more about the Quaker Springs church by clicking the button below.

First Time Visitors

We Are United Methodists

For more information on the United Methodist Church go to Information on the Upper New York Conference can be found at Events happening in the Adirondack District can be found at

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where do I enter the sanctuary? Enter through the front doors on Church Street.
  • Is the church handicapped accessible? Yes! A ramp leads from the parking lot to the front door of the sanctuary. A second ramp, on the parking lot side of the building, leads into the Fellowship Hall.
  • What is a typical Sunday worship service? The 11:00 am worship is held in the sanctuary and contains many traditional elements – a choir, hymns, a children’s message, scripture, a sermon and the Lord’s Prayer. Sunday School is offered directly following the children’s time. And, you are invited to stay after the worship for refreshments and fellowship.
  • What to wear? Come as you are. Dress formal or sport your favorite t-shirt and shorts, It’s not about your clothes, it’s about your heart.
  • Are children welcome in the sanctuary during Sunday worship? Children are always welcome. The Sunday worship includes a Children’s Message. Children will be asked to come forward at this time. After the Children’s message, they can attend Sunday school or remain with their family in the sanctuary. Hang out with family or participate, the choice is theirs.
  • Is Sunday School offered? Sunday School is offered every Sunday during worship. Our talented and loving team creates an enjoyable and enriching experience for children from kindergarten to 7th grade. Our volunteers are trained and screened in accordance with SUMC’s Safe Sanctuaries policy.
  • Is a nursery space available? We are pleased to offer a nursery space during Sunday worship. Currently, we do not have nursery staff, but our loving congregation is always willing to help if you need a hand. Since worship is live streamed into our nursery area, you won’t miss worship.
  • If I’m not a member of the church, can I receive communion? All are invited to receive communion. Communion is usually part of the first Sunday worship of each month. If you cannot come forward, but would like to receive communion, communion will be brought to you.
  • Can I view Sunday worship online? We know people have busy lives and sometimes they cannot make it to the church on Sunday. Sunday worships are available on Facebook and on YouTube at the links above.

Whether you prefer to attend church in person or online, if you are looking for a place of faith, consider making Schuylerville United Methodist Church your church home. Please contact the church office with any questions or concerns.